Monday, August 13, 2007

Week8: Mixed Bag

1.Who was the first cricket captain to lead India to a Test series victory?

2.Find the connection: India, North Korea, South Korea and Bahrain.

3.Which viceroy made the mistake of declaring India at war with Germany during World War 2 without consulting Indian leaders?

4.Which daring Freedom Fighter hoisted the Indian flag in Bombay despite Police warning?

5. Mimas and Enceladus are satellites of which planet?

6. Sreesanth is the second Indian player from the state of Kerala. Who was the first?

7. Who is credited with wearing the helmet for the first time in cricketing history?

8.What are Quarto, Octavo, Duodecimo and Sextodecimo different types of?

9.Which is the only satellite in the solar system known to have clouds and a dense atmosphere?

10. Which was the first Asian country to win five major international beauty peagent crowns?

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Week7: History

1. Historically what connects Ibrahim Lodi's battle against Babar in 1526, Akbar's defeat of Hemu in 1556, and Ahmad Shah Abdali's conflict with the Marathas in 1761?

2. The British referred to him as "Sir Roger Dollar", as they could not pronounce his name. By what name do we know him?

3. Why was Dandi March halted on three days: March 17, 23, 31, 1930?

4.How was insurance agent, Moulvi Zia-ud-din, better known?

5. During which war were the Battles of Crecy, Poiters and Agincourt decisive victories for the British?

6. In world war II, what was codenamed "Operation Barbarossa"?

7.In which modern country was the Battle of Waterloo fought?

8. By what name is Kung-Fu-Tsu better known to the western world?

9. On which famous landmark would you find the words: "Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free"?

10. With which unfortunate incident do you assosciate the warplane "Enola Gay"?

Thursday, June 28, 2007


1.This American animal is reffered to as the 'Old Silvertip' because the tips of the hair are silver-coloured. What is it?

2. Only one forest is the home of the Asiatic Lion. Name it.

3. This bird has been known to stay aloft for more than a day without flapping its wings.

4. This popular breed of dog was originally bred to hunt badgers.

5. Which carnivorous mammal, found in the Himalayan range, is also called the 'ounce'?

6. What is common to the following: Schnauzer, Borzoi, Saluki and Mastiff?

7. Which two animals attended the Mad Tea Party along with Alice?

8. This animal is is only found in one Indian Wildlife Sanctuary. Which one?

9. Name this breed.

10. Which breed of monkeys was worshipped as god by the Egyptians?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Week6: MYTH and LEGEND

1. Which God is the father of Hanuman?

2. Who, in Norse (Scandinavian) mythology, is the son of Odin, and the Norse God of war?

3. What was strange about the facial features of Midas, the Greek king with the ' golden touch'?

4. If Lord Shiva's abode is Kailash, who stays at Vaikuntha?

5. According to Hindu mythology, who was the first mortal to die?

6. Which Roman God's chariot was drawn by Panthers?

7. Who was the leader of Pandava forces during the battle of Kurukshetra?

8. In Hindu mythology, who is supposed to have invented the Sanskrit language and the Devanagari script?

9. According to Hindu mythology, who invented the divine instrument- the veena?

10. In Puri, of what wood is the image of Jagannath made?

Friday, June 15, 2007

WEEK 5: Geography

1. In Italy it is "Stati Uniti" and in poland it is "Stany Zjednoczone". How do we know this country?

2. Tanzania was formed by the merger of which two African states?

3.Which European country is completely enclosed within the capital of another country?

4.If you are travelling directly from Yugoslavia to Italy, which sea would you have to cross?

5. What famous landmark would you find between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie?

6. In which capital city would you find the Temple of the Emerald Buddha?

7. To which city would your father be flying if his baggage had the label "CCU"?

8."Check Point Charlie" was a check point on the border of which two European cities ( the check-point no longer exists)?

9. The Malvinas was the centre of a war against Great Britain in the early eighties. What are Malvinas better known as?

10. Which African city is named after a U.S. president?

Monday, June 4, 2007

Week 4: INDIA

1. "Something Beautiful for God" is a book by Malcolm Muggeridge. Who is the subject of the book?

2. Upon completion in 1931, it was called the "All India War Memorial Arch". How do we know it today?

3. Which institution connects Calcutta, Lucknow and Lyons?

4. Imagine you are travelling to New Delhi by road. With respect to which landmark are distances to the Capital measured (i.e. If the milestone read '0 kilometres' from New Delhi, where would you be?

5.With which cartoonist do you associate the "You Said It" series?

6. Which well-known car, also seen on Indian roads, has its largest factory in Turin, Italy?

7. In the oath taking ceremony after the Lok Sabha elections, who takes the oath after the Prime Minister and the Council of Ministers?

8. What is unique about the composition of the 88th Battalion of the CPRF, formed in the early nineties?

9. Of which singer did Gandhiji say, " I would rather hear the words sung by her than spoken by anyone else"?

10. Two days after the grand Republic Day parade in New Delhi, another smaller parade is held there. What is this function called?

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Week 3: Who am I?

1. (a) The youngest President of my country, I won the Nobel Peace Prize.

(b) From birth the vivid red mark on my forehead foretold the greatness i was to achieve

(c) "Glasnost" and "Perestroika" were just two of the concepts I introduced

Ans: Mikael Gorbachov

2. (a) Born in Wurttemberg, Germany in 1879, I started my career as a patent office clerk

(b) I left Germany in 1933 for the U.S.A. in protest against Nazi atrocities.

(c) I won the Nobel Prize in 1921 for the photoelectric effect, though that was not my most famous work.

Ans: Albert Einstein

3. (a) A great political and military leader, I was born in Prussia in 1815.

(b) They gave me credit for leading Germany to its greatest victories as its Chancellor from 1864 to1890.

(c) You might also know me as "The Man of Blood and Iron".

Ans: Otto von Bismarck

4. (a) I may be physically distinguished from other men as I do not have a navel.

(b)Another human being was made from one of my extra ribs.

(c) If i had not eaten the "forbidden fruit", mankind would not have been created.

Ans: Adam

5. (a)
I was born in Sicily in B.C. 287 and was murdered by a Roman soldier in B.C. 212.

(b)I invented many marvellous machines to fight the Romans and was also considered the greatest mathematician of my time.

(c) You might have read about me running naked down the streets of Syracuse, shouting "Eureka, Eureka"!

Ans: Archimedes

6. (a) Born in Barbados in 1936, I was knighted for my contribution to sport.

(b) A brilliant allrounder, I share a record with Ravi Shastri.

(c) My test aggregate of 8032 runs and my innings of 365 runs is surpassed in Test Cricket

Ans: Sir Garfield Sobers

7. (a)
Together with my friend, Harry East, I was more than a match for Flashman and other bullies.

(b) The name of my school is also the name of a popular sport.

(c) Thomas Hughes created me as an inspiration to schoolboys throughout the world.

Ans: Tom Brown

8. (a)
A famous writer, I was born in 1835 and died in 1910, coming and going with Halley,s comet.

(b) My pseudonym originated from the calls of the riverboat pilots on the Mississippi.

(c) Today, Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn are household names for children throughout the world.

Ans: Mark Twain

9. (a) I was born in London in 1926. My four children are Charles, Andrew, Edward and Anne.

(b) I married a distant cousin named Philip, and took up my present duties on the death of my father George in 1952.

(c) I am the forty-second ruler of my country.

Ans: Queen Elizabeth II

I am a menhir delivery man by proffesion.

(b) I do not need to drink the magic potion prepared by Getafix, as I fell into the cauldron as a baby.

(c) I often leave my work and join Asterix on his adventures.

Ans: Obelix